Much Ado About Nothing (Stratford Festival)

Queen Goneril (Soulpepper Theatre)

Thy Woman's Weeds (Repercussion/Centaur Theatre)

Paradise Lost (Stratford Festival)

Jane Eyre (Citadel Theatre)

Piaf / Dietrich (Mirvish/Segal Centre)

Beautiful Man (Factory Theatre)

Beau Gars (Théâtre d'aujourd'hui / SSRT)

Local B1717 / Unit B1717 (Théâtre à corps perdus)

Here We Are (Crow's Theatre)

The Millennial Malcontent (Tarragon)

The Lady from the Sea (Shaw Festival)

If We Were Birds (Tarragon)

Instant (Geordie/YPT)

Mistatim (Red Sky)

Soliciting Temptation (Tarragon)

Montparnasse (Groundwater/TPM)