Local B1717 / Unit B1717

A one-woman show about confronting the past.

“Lately I have this feeling of dread whenever I get near my storage unit, whenever I walk down the hall towards it, even when I walk down the stairs, which is silly, I know, but ...”


A woman tries to clean out her storage locker and say goodbye to the past, but an overwhelming feeling of dread forces her to confront the way she has historically subjugated herself to the needs of others.

Une femme se rend à son mini-entrepôt pour y jeter un dernier coup d’oeil avant de se débarrasser de ce qu’elle a accumulé au fil des années. S’approchant de son locker, un pressentiment inquiétant l’envahit, comme si elle était au bord d’un gouffre. Submergée de souvenirs, elle se fait happer dans un lieu clos, cherchant à comprendre où elle est.

Drama - 1hr / Cast - 1w

Production History

Directed by Geneviève L. Blais, Unit B1717 was commissioned and produced by Théâtre à corps perdus under Artistic Director Geneviève L. Blais. It was translated into French by Maryse Warda and played in both languages.

Théâtre à corps perdus (Montréal) - April 2018

For play script go to Playwrights Canada Press.


Beau Gars (Théâtre d'aujourd'hui / SSRT)


Here We Are (Crow's Theatre)